World Population If It Were 100 People

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world population 100 people

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if it only had 100 people in it? It’s fair to say that it would be a fairly empty place, and most people would probably get along without too many problems. Everyone would know everyone, but would it be an equal society?

This is a question that many people have tried to assess when breaking the world down to a population of only 100 people. It’s a task that relies as much on statistics as it does on speculation. Once the figures have been broken down, lots of people like to use them to show the disparity of fairness in our worldwide society. But as we have already alluded to, it’s fraught with perils. It’s open to speculation, and with an ever growing population and changing demographics, the results are certain to change.

So now that we have that out of the way, what would the world be like if it were a town of only 100 people?

  • There would be 50 men and 50 women
  • There would be 26 children and 74 adults. Out of all of them, 8 would be aged over 65.
  • The world of 100 people would have 65 Asians, 15 Africans, 14 from the Americas and 11 Europeans
  • As far as religion goes, 33 would be Christian, 22 Muslim, 14 would be Hindu, 7 would be Buddhist, 12 would be of another faith, while the remaining 12 would have no faith.
  • When it comes to education in this small world would have 83 literate people and 17 who could not read or write.
  • 7 people would have a university degree, and 22 would own or share a computer.
  • Housing proves to be a problem for the inhabitants of this world. 77 of them would have shelter from the elements, but 23 of them would have no place to call home.
  • But healthy living gets worse. 1 person would be actually dying of starvation, 15 would be undernourished, 21 of them would be overweight. The remainder would be a healthy weight.
  • The most important thing to maintain life would see 13 of them drinking unsafe water, while the other 87 would have access to potable drinking water.
  • Now we come to what would be utterly confusing, language. For those speaking the language as their first language, 12 would speak Chinese, 5 English, 5 Spanish, 3 Arabic, 3 Hindi, 3 Bengali, 3 Portuguese, 2Russian, 2 Japanese and 62 would speak another language.
  • 14 people would have a disability
  • 48 would live on less than $2 a day,and 80 would have to survive on less than $10 a day.



world population 100 people


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