You Can Get High From Lettuce

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high from lettuce

The state of euphoria can most often be attained by using illegal drugs such as marijuana, ice and heroin. For those who get high it is a feeling that they love and enjoy. But to get high means that you must first break the law, either by making, distributing or buying illegal drugs. How freaky is this? Did you know that you can get high from lettuce? Well not all lettuce, just certain species of lettuce, and it is legal too.

How can you possibly get high from lettuce?

To get high from lettuce you must first find the species of lettuce that have Lactucarium. Lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially the Lactuca virosa kind, which is often referred to as wild lettuce.  Lactucarium is said to provide a mild psychotropic effect similar to opiates. It actually provides an analgesic and sedative effect to the user. The usual way people get high from this wild lettuce is by first extracting the milky fluid, then once it has dried, they smoke it, or you can simply smoke the dried leaves.

The wild lettuce can be found in most regions around the world, from Australia to Southern England and the Sub Continent to North America. It was first used by the ancient Egyptians as an analgesic.

In pharmacology Lactucarium has been used as a sedative by soaking the lettuce leaves in tea. It has also been used as a method to increase breast milk production, however the sedative effects it would have on the infant would be strongly advised against.

While you can get high from the wild lettuce, it is actually poisonous. At least one person has died while attempting to get high.

Needless to say, we advise that you don’t try this at home.



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