Space facts

Mark Twain, Born and Died with Halley’s Comet

Reading Time: 2 minutes One of the greatest authors who has ever lived, Mark Twain, was born and died during Halley’s comet years. This is a pretty freakish coincidence, but it’s not the kind of thing that hasn’t happened before. Furthermore, Mark Twain predicted his own passing while the comet was once again passing Earth. Now that itself is …

Mark Twain, Born and Died with Halley’s Comet Read More »

1 in 4 Americans Don’t Know the Earth Orbits the Sun

Reading Time: 2 minutes Did you know that 26 percent of Americans don’t know that the Earth orbits the sun? As George Takei would say, Oh my. Have we been somehow magically transported back into the dark ages? After all, it was Renaissance  astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus who popularized the theory of a heliocentric solar system (where the planets revolve around …

1 in 4 Americans Don’t Know the Earth Orbits the Sun Read More »

Coldest Known Place in the Universe is Technically on Earth

Reading Time: 2 minutes The coldest known place in the universe is on Earth, technically that is. While this certainly comes as a surprise, especially considering how temperate much of the globe can be, this itself doesn’t constitute a natural coolness. That’s right, we faked it, but how is the coldest known place in the universe on Earth? Alright, here’s …

Coldest Known Place in the Universe is Technically on Earth Read More »

12 Million Americans Think That Reptilian Aliens Run Our Government

Reading Time: 2 minutes Congress in the United States always seems to have a very low approval rating, but did you know that it’s not just democrats and republicans that the good people of the US are afraid of? According to a recent poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) and released by The Wire twelve million people think …

12 Million Americans Think That Reptilian Aliens Run Our Government Read More »

1561 Nuremberg Space Battle

Reading Time: 2 minutes Perhaps the most famous of all UFO sightings and experiences would be that of the UFO sighting and apparent crash on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, USA on July 7, 1947. On that occasion, what has been described as an unidentified airborne object was observed by several witnesses, and this object crashed. The United …

1561 Nuremberg Space Battle Read More »