If you are interested in advertising on our site please fill in the below form with your preferred banner size and location (page map below contact form). We will respond ASAP with payment details.
The benefits of advertising with us are:
- Growing and diverse audience
- 50,000 unique visitors a month, and growing. Daily peaks can reach 30,000+
- Worldwide audience with a majority from tier 1 countries
- Cheap CPM rates. Pay by the week or month
- Many common and popular banner sizes available
- We can recommend CPC ad network if that is what you require, however the costs with CPC over CPM can be cost prohibitive to advertisers (see below)
- Above the fold ad space available
- If an ad network wishes to advertise on Unreal Facts please complete the form with estimates of CPM, and if acceptable rates are quoted we will respond at our earliest convenience.
Position 1: $6.00/week or $20 / month
Position 2: $5.50 / week or $18 / month
Position 3: $5.00 / week or $16 / month
Position 4: $5.00 / week or $16 / month
Position 5: $5.00 / week or $16 / month
Position 6: $4.50 / week or $14 / month
Position 7: $3.00 / week or $8 / month
Position 8: $3.00 / week or $8 / month
The higher the position ranking the higher the typical click through rate. Position 1 and 2 exhibit on average a 0.8% click through rate which represents 8 clicks for every 1000 impressions. If you were paying for these clicks with the highly popular Google Adwords program these clicks could cost you as much as $16 for every 1000 impressions! Now compare that to our highest fee of $20 a month and 50,000 unique visitors, 110,000 monthly page views. At a minimum Google would charge you $264 and up to $1760. That’s a saving of between $244 and $1740!
Get more out of your ads
Make your ads stand out and catch the attention of the audience.
Typically animated ads or those with sound perform better than still image ads.
We suggest using a free GIF maker service online to animate your ads.
Choose either position 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 for the best conversions. Position 1 or 2 are more expensive but will yield a higher rate of clicks to your site.
*Please note. Visitor numbers fluctuate. The figures stated are over a 6 month average. Certain periods can experience a drop in visitors or a surge in impressions. We don’t use automated services to generate false impressions. The fees are based on a daily or monthly rate with no guarantee of the number of clicks or number of visitors to the site. We reserve the right to refuse any ads for any reason and to cease advertising withour warning or refund if we find the ad is damaging our brand. Prices may change without notice, but this page will be updated with new rates.