Weird facts

There Was A Dogwelder Superhero Comic That Would Weld Dog Heads To Peoples Faces

Reading Time: 2 minutes If I were to say that there was a Dogwelder superhero comic released by DC Comics, what would you think the strip was about? It’s a rather odd name, and it does make very little sense when only reading the title. Well let’s just say that we all make mistakes, and DC Comics are not immune …

There Was A Dogwelder Superhero Comic That Would Weld Dog Heads To Peoples Faces Read More »

Single Women Can’t Parachute On Sundays In Florida

Reading Time: 2 minutes Well what can we say about this? At first glance you must admit it is rather sexist. The law in Florida makes it illegal for single women to parachute on Sundays, but does not mention single men. If it did you could perhaps argue that is a little fairer. Why does Florida have a law …

Single Women Can’t Parachute On Sundays In Florida Read More »

The Longest Sneezing Fit Ever Recorded Lasted 978 Days

Reading Time: 2 minutes Would you believe that the longest sneezing fit ever recorded lasted a whopping 978 days? As amazing as it sounds, it’s absolutely true. The poor unfortunate woman who suffered for over two agonizing years was Donna Griffiths from Worcestershire, England. For many of us who suffer a bout of the sniffles it usually lasts no more …

The Longest Sneezing Fit Ever Recorded Lasted 978 Days Read More »

Yellow Margarine is Illegal in Missouri

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yet another odd law to contend with, although this one has been around for a very long time. Would you believe that yellow margarine is illegal in Missouri? That’s right, one of the world’s most popular spreads, yellow margarine, is illegal in Missouri! But why? Why is yellow margarine illegal in Missouri? It’s not margarine that’s been banned, …

Yellow Margarine is Illegal in Missouri Read More »

TNT Original Use Was As A Yellow Dye

Reading Time: 2 minutes   TNT’s original use was not for explosives at all, it was originally used as a yellow dye. It seems particularly confounding now that the world’s most popular explosive wasn’t originally used to blow things up. The original TNT use When it was developed in 1863, Trinitrotoluene, or as it’s more commonly known, TNT was originally used as …

TNT Original Use Was As A Yellow Dye Read More »