Sea otters rape and drown baby seals! In what is a disturbing trait, this lovable and cute weasel has a dark side that Darth Vader would be proud of.
Sea otters may seem sweet and cute, especially when they are sleeping, but apart from their looks, that’s about as cute as these creatures come. It seems as though they have an evil persona that equals the original versions of fairy tales.
You see, sea otters rape and drown baby seals. We are not kidding either, sea otters actually do rape and drown defenseless baby seals. On numerous occasions they have been observed approaching baby seals, biting them and then dragging them out to sea and raping them. The rape can last for hours, and usually results in drowning the baby seal. But they don’t stop when the seal is dead either. They will continue to have sex with the deceased animal. They have even been known to have sex with a baby seal that has been dead for a week. If you ask me, that’s pushing things just a little too far. It goes beyond rape and into necrophilia. This revealing trait raises an obvious question. Why the heck would sea otters rape and drown baby seals? Their not even the same species.
Why do sea otters rape and drown baby seals?
These former cute animals are not the only ones that enjoy a little bit of forced sex with another species. Elephants too have been observed raping rhinos. Both sea otters and elephants have the same reason. It is thought that the sea otters do this in frustration when they are unable to find a mate, so take out their frustrations on the hapless baby seal instead. The mating ritual resembles that of when a male otter copulates with a female otter. The female otter also runs a risk of drowning during intercourse.
If you thought that was bad, wait until you read about the crazy sexual exploits of penguins.
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