Little Red Riding Hood Killed In The Original Story

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We will continue our journey into the amazing fairy tale facts with the original story of Little Red Riding Hood. In the story we are familiar with Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her grandmother in the woods. The Big Bad Wolf has taken the place of her grandmother and tries to eat her. At the end of the story the woodsman saves her. But the original story was never so kind. To be precise, the original story of Little Red Riding Hood resulted with Little Red Riding Hood being killed by the wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood Killed In The Original Story

Now for the original story of Little Red Riding Hood written by French author Charles Perrault. The story starts off in a familiar fashion with Little red Riding Hood embarking on a journey to see her grandmother. In the original story, Little Red Riding Hood is a well bred young woman who encounters a wolf on her way to her grandmothers house. She trusts the wolf and asks the him for directions to her grandmothers house. The wolf tricks her with false information and begins to stalk Little Red Riding Hood. All of the sudden the wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and her basket of food. That’s the end of the original story of Little Red Riding Hood. The original story has Little Red Riding Hood killed by the wolf. There’s no grandmother and no woodsman, just a well fed wolf and one dead girl. The moral to this version of the story is to not trust strangers. While the moral of the story is a sound one, you must wonder if the gruesomeness was ever actually needed, as the sanitized tale we know is probably just as effective.



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