Has Niagara Falls Ever Frozen Completely Over?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Has Niagara falls ever frozen completely over? That is, has it ever formed a complete land bridge made out of ice and stopped the flow of water completely? Sure, there are photographs that appear to show a phenomenon of magnificent proportions, but it hasn’t ever happened in recorded history. But it did come close. There …

Has Niagara Falls Ever Frozen Completely Over? Read More »

Vincent Van Gogh Only Sold One Painting In His Lifetime

Reading Time: 2 minutes Vincent Van Gogh sold one painting, only one singl solitary painting during his life. Looking back at it today, it hardly makes any sense at all. Here was an extremely talented artist, world renowned artist, yet he was unable to earn a living selling his masterpieces. But it must also be pointed out that he …

Vincent Van Gogh Only Sold One Painting In His Lifetime Read More »

The Capital Of Australia, Canberra, Means Women’s Breasts

Reading Time: 2 minutes Would you believe that the Australian capital, Canberra means women’s breasts? Why is it that Canberra means women’s breasts? Is it just a sort of odd colloquialism that only Aussies would understand or is there another, more realistic and logical answer for this peculiar meaning? When you first read the title of this fact what did you …

The Capital Of Australia, Canberra, Means Women’s Breasts Read More »