Echidna wiener Has Four Heads

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Echidna wiener has four heads

The echidna wiener must be one of the most unusual and fascinating sexual appendages in the animal kingdom. The reason for this is the odd way nature has designed it. Instead of just one shaft and one head, the echidna wiener has one shaft and four heads. We kid you not, as you can see in this image and video below. If you think this is weird, wait until you hear how it works.

This is not a joke. The echidna has a four-headed wiener. You’re probably thinking that this isn’t possible, but as you can see in this image, it’s undeniably true. And let’s face it. Until recently very few people would have ever thought that there was a man with two wieneres, or that it was far more common than you would think. Now if you think that an echidna having a four-headed wiener is pretty amazing, read on, because this wang will keep surprising you with many more secrets.

The amazing genitals of the male echidna don’t end with a four-headed wiener. When it is erect, the wiener extends to about a quarter the length of its body. While not exactly as long as the lake duck, it would put to shame the man with the biggest wiener, Jonah Falcon. This unusually large wiener, coupled with its four heads make the genitals of the male echidna one of the most fascinating, and weird of the animal kingdom. But yeah, it gets weirder still.

Thanks to staff at Australia’s Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary we have learned even more about this most unusual organ. With the help of an overly exhibitionist echidna, staff discovered that they could get it to have an erection simply by pressing down on its belly. With further encouragement, they were then able to get it to come, which revealed even more peculiarities.

When an echidna comes, two of the heads close over. This results in the zperm heading out only two heads. This was the first time it has ever been witnessed and recorded.

So why is the echidna wiener four-headed?

Until fairly recently the scientific community was puzzled about this feature. There seemed to be no clear reason why they had four heads. After all, they don’t even use their anatomy for urination. The only time it emerges is when it becomes erect. It seems that this unusual sexual organ has to do with copulation and competition. A single female can be followed by as many as eleven males. When the wiener is erect, it is near impossible for all four heads to fit inside the female. During studies, it was found that only two of the wiener heads were used during sex. When the male came, the sperm built up into bundle growths which aided in sperm competition, much the same way as with reptiles and rodents.

Here’s some more useless information about the echidna:

  • They are a Monotreme, which means they are an egg-laying mammal.
  • The mother doesn’t have nipples, instead, the baby licks the milk from glands
  • Like porcupines, they have thousands of quills covering their body
  • The diet consists mainly of ants and termites
  • Along with the platypus, they are the only egg-laying mammals
  • Contrary to popular belief, the balls of the echidna aren’t located under their chin






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